Thursday, 9 October 2008

Writer’s Block

For the last few weeks, I have been suffering from the above affliction…but not just in the realm of writing. Writer’s block has been affecting my whole life. I have been wandering listlessly from task to task, unable to settle on any one thing. Like a caged tiger prowling, ready to snap at anyone or anything that touches the raw nerves.
I have known what the route cause was (lack of stimulation due to unemployment, no friends so on and so on) but knowing does not always make a problem solvable. For the last few days I have known that work and interest and people and things to do were just around the corner but I could not “make the most” of the time left to me. I still drifted, dithering, with no purpose or plan.
Now… Now I’ve started two jobs. On Tuesday I began tutoring a girl preparing for her maths GCSE. I love tutoring (no, I do not want to be a teacher) and I had a great hour and a half or so meeting her and her mother and starting a first lesson.
Yesterday, I started my job-in-a-shop. For years, I had issues with working in a shop. I’ve got a degree! I can’t *just* work in a shop! At last though I’ve accepted that it gives me lots of things that I enjoy and a whole heap of inspiration. All those people to meet! All their problems to solve! It’s got to be an interesting shop with products worth selling but I’ve found that and so I can merrily spend a few hours a day selling outdoor clothing to the masses, listening to tales of the adventures they have had and will have with products they’ve bought before or are buying now. Occasionally, I can chip in with tales of my own adventures. It is good.
So here I am, my block unblocked. Even though my first day in the shop was not brilliant, I came home a little glum, it was still enough to lift me from the lethargy and get me moving again. So I’m back, with a back-log of about ten posts that I thought of but was unable to write. I know most of them won’t ever get written now, that’s how it goes but one or two may find that they stick around in my mind long enough to make it to the page.


Daphine said...

Hey Lily~
I was happy to get your comment today. I'm glad you're back. I've missed ya here in blogland. I'm so sorry that you are suffering from the different things you listed. I will pray for you dear sister. Your job may not be exactly what you want, but while you're there...try to be all there. God will honor it and move you to another place in his time. I just gave you a blogland hug! Hang in there, alrighty?

Lily said...

Thanks daphine :) you're a good encourager!